The Snowy Mountains. 450KM via Highway or 560 via Coast road.

Each year, thousands of motorcycles head to The Snowy Mountains, in search of the incredible roads and beautiful destinations. Throughout the region are many small town waiting to be explored. Many riders like to create a loop through the Kosciuszko Nation Park and back their accommodation. There are many options here such as Snowy Mountain Highway, Tooma Rd, Swampy Plains Creek Road, Alpine Way, Kosciuszko Rd and then back to the Snowy Mountain Highway. This 300KM loop should keep you busy all day!

A highlight of the Australian Motorcycle calendar is the charity event called ‘The Snowy Ride’ run by the Steven Walter foundation. This fantastic event aims to raise money for children’s cancer research. They have structured events and rides throughout the day. There are fantastic prizes on offer including a Honda Motorcycle. This event is held in early November.

This region can often have extreme weather during Winter months with many roads snow covered and closed to Motorcycles. It is not advised during the July/August months.